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尼崎の住宅Ⅰ house in amagasaki1



ご夫妻二人だけの住まいですが、ご親族で集まる機会も多く、2人での生活空間と公のための空間、2人だけで使う時間と大勢が集う時間、いずれのシーンにおいても違和感のない広さ感と、公私の緩やかな分離を念頭に設計を進めました。旧邸にも愛着をお持ちでしたし、庭の木々はできるだけ残したいという要望もあり、家は取り壊してしまうものの、以前の建物のもつ佇まいの記憶を残しつつ庭の木々を生活の中により身近に取り込んでいけるよう考えました。旧邸の玄関があった場所には今回建て替えた住宅と既存の3階建て住宅を半屋外でつなぐ屋外ロビーを 設けています。ここは、これまでお住まいだった3階建て住宅に息子さんご家族が暮らすため二世帯をゆるやかに つなぐ共通の玄関としての役割を持っています。庭の見え方については、庭全体を見わたすのではなく、それぞれの場所から切り取られた自然の風景として見えるよう開口部を制限しています。屋外ロビー正面からは格子越しに透けて見えるように足元から水に映る緑が垣間見え、玄関ホールでは地窓から水平に広がる緑を見せています。


This house is for couples.

The site is in the suburbs of Osaka City.

There was a 70-year-old house on the site, but this time I was asked to demolish this house and rebuild a new wooden structure. Usually, only the couple live in this house, but there are many opportunities to get together with relatives. Whether it is used by only two people or when a large number of people gather, we have designed with just the right size and gentle separation of public and private. The owner was also attached to his old house, and there was a request to keep as many trees in the garden as possible. Although the house will be demolished, the trees in the garden can be brought closer to their lives, leaving the memory of the appearance of the former building. In the place where the former building had its entrance, we created an outdoor lobby that connects the newly rebuilt house and the existing three-story house in a semi-outdoor environment. It serves as a common entrance that gently connects the two households.

The three-story house has been renovated and the son's family lives there.

Regarding the view of the garden, instead of looking over the entire garden, we make windows so that you can see it as a natural landscape cut out from each place. From the front of the outdoor lobby, you can see the green reflected in the water from your feet so that you can see through the lattice, and in the entrance hall, you can see the green that spreads horizontally from the ground window. The owner wanted the house to be unobtrusive and as comfortable as the landscape in the garden. We worked with the Araki Landscape Architectural Office to explore the relationship between garden and architecture.

​造園設計 荒木造園設計

​掲載誌 CONFORT163(建築資料研究社)


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